Walau.. it seems like a billions year already when i last written my last blog =D ah well.. random only naw.. hope i ll be able to and remember to blog as much as often like last time i used to.. cz our blog seems dead naw =( its REALLY DEAD! so sad T.T we needa make it alive!!! Ah well.. we can do this next time LOL.. cz its time for me to sleepy naw =D
Nitez and sweet dream peeps =D
P.S LING WAS HERE LOL ( i m still alive =D )
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
3 more days and i m leaving Perthhhhh
WAHHHH.. time sure passes really fast T.T just in a blink and i m leaving soonnnnn walau.. i have never left my home for soo long before this is mah 1st time.. eventho its fun but.. i miss my family =( soo right now.. i can say that.. i m sooo excited and sooo emo cz i m leaving?LOL..
And reaults ll be out soon.. maybe tomorrow.. yin xia they all said ll be out before chinese new year.. hmm.. why come out during this time?the results ll just make the chinese new year more... INTERESTING -_- gosh.. the results ll spoilt my chinese new year la =( sooo tao yeng~ -_-
SOoo cant wait till chinese new year =D means angpao come come LOL ( dont kek dao ) and more and more and more and thats mean i m gaining weight soon =( ahhh i dont want la.. i m already sooo dam fat now LOL.. i have been eating a lots these few weeks =( I FEEL FAT NOW.. not FAT its REALLY VERY HELA DAM FAT -_-
Cause foods in Australia are kinda nice ya know ._. LOL.. thats why.. ppl are fat and i m gaining weight too f3 f3 after i m back! MUST MUST MUST exercise and lose some weight and fats =D
Well..till here 0.o i think i ll post some of my pics later =D cz i m too lazy to post all.. so yea~ ciao ppl =D
And reaults ll be out soon.. maybe tomorrow.. yin xia they all said ll be out before chinese new year.. hmm.. why come out during this time?the results ll just make the chinese new year more... INTERESTING -_- gosh.. the results ll spoilt my chinese new year la =( sooo tao yeng~ -_-
SOoo cant wait till chinese new year =D means angpao come come LOL ( dont kek dao ) and more and more and more and thats mean i m gaining weight soon =( ahhh i dont want la.. i m already sooo dam fat now LOL.. i have been eating a lots these few weeks =( I FEEL FAT NOW.. not FAT its REALLY VERY HELA DAM FAT -_-
Cause foods in Australia are kinda nice ya know ._. LOL.. thats why.. ppl are fat and i m gaining weight too f3 f3 after i m back! MUST MUST MUST exercise and lose some weight and fats =D
Well..till here 0.o i think i ll post some of my pics later =D cz i m too lazy to post all.. so yea~ ciao ppl =D
Sunday, January 18, 2009
In Perth 0.o
Heyyyyy readers.. sorry that i havent been blogging for a while em.. well.. you know.. ITS STILL HOLIDAY NOW FOR ME 0.o soo i have been busy playing and so on =D Well.. and also.. recently i m staying in Perth now.. ( not overseas study ) just have a vacation over here =D ( i know i know.. dont say.. just back from Korea only... so fast going to Perth ) but oh well.. my dad just sent me here cz he said i could do nothing at home 0.o soo yea.. came to Perth with my grandma and live at my cousin's house!
OK OK.. ima just stop all the craps =D its been 9 days already.. and 6 more days for me to go back to Brunei =D goshh.. i think i fall in love with Perth already =( dont feel like leaving 0.o oh well.. ima just say something about Perth 0.o Soo.. wat can i say is.. STUFFS IN PERTH ARE SO DAM EXPENSIVE THAN SINGAPORE -_-its fine to be expensive but wats more important is.. THIS IS NOT A FUN PLACE FOR SHOPPING.. cz the clothes here are really hella VERY UGLY ( gosh.. angmos de tastes are really bad.. seriously )I see no nice clothes in Perth =( i see nothing cheap in Perth!! EXCEPT the ice cream in HUNGRY JACK which is 50cents only LOL.. and its nice =) i ll miss the ice cream when i get back to Brunei =( and the rest are hella expensive
Hmm.. and theres something more interesting! I have never seen sooo much white.. huge.. tall.. people in mah life people before LOL.. ( i know i might sound like a frog inside the well but true em.. eventho i have been to Aus many times already =D )i m not being mean or something em.. but they are REALLY FAT.. those angmo sure eat alot!its scary em >.< and the sandwish!ALSO EXPENSIVE.. it costed me like 8 AUS dollars for about a 20cm sandwish! it wasnt that nice em but those angmos like it very much -_- i wonder why.. they can eat that every meal!well.. for them not for me!i still prefer rice =D and i think that the reason why they are so fat em.. ( not being mean )
These few days i have been to kinda many places.. like.. King's park.. Swan valley.. Chocolate factory.. fremantle.. Cheese and wine factories =D and more and more and more of the places which i dont think i ll even remember =D but wats more important is.. i think i love perth =D its a nice country em.. it seems enjoy staying here LOL..
And guess wat? 0.o i kinda make some new NEIGHBOURS HERE LOL.. angmoes are sure friendly.. i was just walking around the house only.. and there were these few angmoes came and talked to me 0.o ( but they are ppl like 70+ i mean.. ages 0.o ) but yea.. they are nice to talk to =D ima just summarize.. THEY ARE FRIENDLY.. =D but it seems kinda hard to talk to them LOL.. since some of their pronouncation.. are way too accurate!speak too fast.. and more and more! WOW.. soemtimes i have to ask them to repeat for me =D but its ok.. i think i ll use to it!
There are more and more and more interesting which i wanna say but i m just too lazy to blog everything right now =D cz i m too sleepy now =( its 1hr faster than Brunei here.. so yea!and outside is 16 degree eventho its summer? 0.o 12am!weather here is sure weird... it can be 40 degree in the noon and it ll be 16 in the midnight LOL.. funny right? and i kinda learn lots of thing from here =)
Well.. no more craps! About the pics.. i ll post it some other days em.. i m wayyy tooo lazy now and i gotta get going cz my grandma is nagging me right now 0.o i ll continue tomorrow or next time if i m free= D
Soooo... ciao =D and JEAN how are u doing in Taiwan?=D miss chuuuu... U NEVER BLOG F5
Ling <333 Jean~~
OK OK.. ima just stop all the craps =D its been 9 days already.. and 6 more days for me to go back to Brunei =D goshh.. i think i fall in love with Perth already =( dont feel like leaving 0.o oh well.. ima just say something about Perth 0.o Soo.. wat can i say is.. STUFFS IN PERTH ARE SO DAM EXPENSIVE THAN SINGAPORE -_-its fine to be expensive but wats more important is.. THIS IS NOT A FUN PLACE FOR SHOPPING.. cz the clothes here are really hella VERY UGLY ( gosh.. angmos de tastes are really bad.. seriously )I see no nice clothes in Perth =( i see nothing cheap in Perth!! EXCEPT the ice cream in HUNGRY JACK which is 50cents only LOL.. and its nice =) i ll miss the ice cream when i get back to Brunei =( and the rest are hella expensive
Hmm.. and theres something more interesting! I have never seen sooo much white.. huge.. tall.. people in mah life people before LOL.. ( i know i might sound like a frog inside the well but true em.. eventho i have been to Aus many times already =D )i m not being mean or something em.. but they are REALLY FAT.. those angmo sure eat alot!its scary em >.< and the sandwish!ALSO EXPENSIVE.. it costed me like 8 AUS dollars for about a 20cm sandwish! it wasnt that nice em but those angmos like it very much -_- i wonder why.. they can eat that every meal!well.. for them not for me!i still prefer rice =D and i think that the reason why they are so fat em.. ( not being mean )
These few days i have been to kinda many places.. like.. King's park.. Swan valley.. Chocolate factory.. fremantle.. Cheese and wine factories =D and more and more and more of the places which i dont think i ll even remember =D but wats more important is.. i think i love perth =D its a nice country em.. it seems enjoy staying here LOL..
And guess wat? 0.o i kinda make some new NEIGHBOURS HERE LOL.. angmoes are sure friendly.. i was just walking around the house only.. and there were these few angmoes came and talked to me 0.o ( but they are ppl like 70+ i mean.. ages 0.o ) but yea.. they are nice to talk to =D ima just summarize.. THEY ARE FRIENDLY.. =D but it seems kinda hard to talk to them LOL.. since some of their pronouncation.. are way too accurate!speak too fast.. and more and more! WOW.. soemtimes i have to ask them to repeat for me =D but its ok.. i think i ll use to it!
There are more and more and more interesting which i wanna say but i m just too lazy to blog everything right now =D cz i m too sleepy now =( its 1hr faster than Brunei here.. so yea!and outside is 16 degree eventho its summer? 0.o 12am!weather here is sure weird... it can be 40 degree in the noon and it ll be 16 in the midnight LOL.. funny right? and i kinda learn lots of thing from here =)
Well.. no more craps! About the pics.. i ll post it some other days em.. i m wayyy tooo lazy now and i gotta get going cz my grandma is nagging me right now 0.o i ll continue tomorrow or next time if i m free= D
Soooo... ciao =D and JEAN how are u doing in Taiwan?=D miss chuuuu... U NEVER BLOG F5
Ling <333 Jean~~
Friday, January 2, 2009
Back from Korea
Hey ppl~~ havent been blogging for ages LOL.. have been out from house for 2 weeks em.. haha went to korea lol..
It was a fun trip =D i got the chance to see snow!!hehe.. first time in my life!I tried to ski but it was hard >.< i kept falling down on the snow =D wheather over there was really cold man 0.o around.. -9 degree for the 1st few days? the snow was thick too xD it was arounf my waist 0.o LOL.. serious.. no lies =x
Eventho it was fun.. but i kinda got fever when i was back LOL.. this is wat u get in return for going to winter place =D and pics.. dam lazy to upload LOL.. i ll upload.. if i feel like uploading xD i took some pics of the snow =D sooo pretty haha~
BTW.. I SAAW G-DRAGON...!!!'s poster lmao on the road sides -_- so cool man lmfao ( i sound like stupid ) but i should be very excited em xD cz u dont see Big Bang's poster here.. dont u? so yea xD i also saw rain's one xD went to took pic with it LOL.. stupid -_-
Korean people.. no matter girls or guys are pretty =D and its cool when u go to shopping.. whenever u enter a shop.. KOREAN SONG haha~~ thats really cool man xD rly a big dif from here la =( and also!!! korean guys are tall for some reasons lol 0.o i feel short standing beside them >.<
Dam.. miss korea now >.< miss the winter and the em snow >.< and more and more and more!!haha~~ till here ppl xD
It was a fun trip =D i got the chance to see snow!!hehe.. first time in my life!I tried to ski but it was hard >.< i kept falling down on the snow =D wheather over there was really cold man 0.o around.. -9 degree for the 1st few days? the snow was thick too xD it was arounf my waist 0.o LOL.. serious.. no lies =x
Eventho it was fun.. but i kinda got fever when i was back LOL.. this is wat u get in return for going to winter place =D and pics.. dam lazy to upload LOL.. i ll upload.. if i feel like uploading xD i took some pics of the snow =D sooo pretty haha~
BTW.. I SAAW G-DRAGON...!!!'s poster lmao on the road sides -_- so cool man lmfao ( i sound like stupid ) but i should be very excited em xD cz u dont see Big Bang's poster here.. dont u? so yea xD i also saw rain's one xD went to took pic with it LOL.. stupid -_-
Korean people.. no matter girls or guys are pretty =D and its cool when u go to shopping.. whenever u enter a shop.. KOREAN SONG haha~~ thats really cool man xD rly a big dif from here la =( and also!!! korean guys are tall for some reasons lol 0.o i feel short standing beside them >.<
Dam.. miss korea now >.< miss the winter and the em snow >.< and more and more and more!!haha~~ till here ppl xD
Friday, November 28, 2008
Candies and Sweets
Hey hey hey!! Just now was about prom pics LOL.. i knw.. not much tho.. after i PUBLISHED POST i realized that i missed some LOL.. but i dont care la -_- blog sucks and slow tho LOL.. i ll post more in fs =D or fb but fs is like.. only 2mb below's pics are allowed -_- soo probably facebook =DD
Well.. about this blog.. i just wanna post some random pics LOL.. about sweets!! those candies which u hang on the christmas trees.. which loooks like ' tongkak " LOL.. its kinda hard to find in Brunei tho.. last year i i even went to supasave and couldnt fine a single one man 0.o few days ago.. my grandma just came back from USA and she bought these sweets for us!! WALAU EH.. so many man hahahah!! i m ujst soo happy..

Well.. about this blog.. i just wanna post some random pics LOL.. about sweets!! those candies which u hang on the christmas trees.. which loooks like ' tongkak " LOL.. its kinda hard to find in Brunei tho.. last year i i even went to supasave and couldnt fine a single one man 0.o few days ago.. my grandma just came back from USA and she bought these sweets for us!! WALAU EH.. so many man hahahah!! i m ujst soo happy..
Prom day 0.o
Well.. just now was our school's prom day LOL.. and yea havent been blogging for a while -_- THATS Y I M HERE LOL.. first of all.. i ll just summarize everything LOL.. which recently happening on me? LOL
Ok.. now wat to write 0.o im blank LOL.. but i m sure that the reason y i dont blog that much anymore is because of holiday.. and i keep mapling.. eating.. going out.. sleep.. watch tv and so on LOL.. but i think most of the time playing maple wa.. thats y LOL.. ( see sounds like a no life de ppl -_- )
ACTUALLY i wanted to blog yesterday.. but after mapling i felt kinda sleepy LOL.. ( no life again ) soo lazy to blog LOL.. but hey! atleast i m here already right? =D now its like 2am 0.o i still dont feel sleepy 0.o just came back from prom tho 0.o and stil.. going out tomoro again 0.o see thats wat i m doing recently after o level =D see.. soo sibeh got life eh LOL
0.O JUST NOW.. i actually went to dye my hair for prom LOL.. like too me few hours 0.o lmfao.. that was soo awkward? when i reached empire.. i tot everyone ll be like dying their hairs and such thingy.. but then things didnt turn out the same 0.o I WAS KINDA THE ONE OF FEW WHO DYED MY HAIR.. i m like soo.. i felt so different LOL.. everyone was like.. " wow is that u? 0.o " LOL.. they didnt rly dye their hairs tho.. only me -_- like so embarrassing wei! everyone was looking at me 0.o then kept on saying i changed a lot LOL.. such things la =D maybe i should feel happy?LOL.. VAIN ME HAHA~~
Prom was kinda bored tho 0.o but we kept taking photoes around empire LOL.. everyone looked soo pretty and fabulous =D kinda took lots of stupid pics LOL.. but its ok la LOL.. and i saw " that person " walau.. wearing soo cool man haha.. but i think he is still avoiding me >.< suan le.. its kinda time to forget about him =)
Just now i felt like really super duper awkward -_- guess wat? something embarrassing happened on me >.< cz there was this lucky draw thing.. i thought i wont be that LUCKY to get any prize LOL.. so i wasnt paying attentation when they were announcing the winners LOL.. then suddenly my fren was like " boon ling g out go out!! " i was like wth? asked me to go out for wat? 0.o then they said i won a prize LOL.. so random wei.. the teacher was like.. number 40 for the XX times LOL.. then my frens were like.. number 40 here!!!! BOON LING GO OUT.. i m like dam.. everyone was looking at me LOL.. and i didnt know where to go.. they said go out.. i was freaikn stupid and i really WENT OUT but to the EXIT LOL.. everyone was like laughing and looking at me..
WALAU EH.. dam embarrassing LOL.. and i noticed that their GO OUT is actually go to collect my prize LOL.. so stupid man.. kah boon still wants to insult again -_- kuai lan.. hella embarrassing >.< but not bad tho LOL.. i got a swenson voucher -_- $10 LOL.. nice? -_- better than nothing right?LOL.. if i could choose i want fitness zone man~
High heels.. cannot tahan man >.< just now was like the 1st time i wore high heels >.< soo pain ah my legs... when i went into my car.. the 1st thing i did is take off my shoes LOL.. hella pain.. i wonder how can people tahan with that -_- and i should have wore contact lens man 0.o me and zimah was like the only girl.. who didnt wear contact lens >.< but not.. i m SCARED OF WEARING CONTACT LENS WA.. very scary T.T maybe i ll try.. some other time la.. LOL..
And during the prom.. the things we did was pics pics pics and pics LOL.. but well i didnt use my camera much -_- lazy to carry around -_- so most of the pics are kinda in my fren's camera =D around 11:30pm. i reached home LOL.. and i forgot wat i did 0.o then started to blog =D
I know i know too much craps ma XD soo ima post some pics later 0.o just few pics only 0.o dont wnana post too much.. very slow!! plus.. i looked not rly nice in those pics XD i ll wait for my frens send me the pics.. which are much more better LOL..
Enjoy pics 0.o

Ok.. now wat to write 0.o im blank LOL.. but i m sure that the reason y i dont blog that much anymore is because of holiday.. and i keep mapling.. eating.. going out.. sleep.. watch tv and so on LOL.. but i think most of the time playing maple wa.. thats y LOL.. ( see sounds like a no life de ppl -_- )
ACTUALLY i wanted to blog yesterday.. but after mapling i felt kinda sleepy LOL.. ( no life again ) soo lazy to blog LOL.. but hey! atleast i m here already right? =D now its like 2am 0.o i still dont feel sleepy 0.o just came back from prom tho 0.o and stil.. going out tomoro again 0.o see thats wat i m doing recently after o level =D see.. soo sibeh got life eh LOL
0.O JUST NOW.. i actually went to dye my hair for prom LOL.. like too me few hours 0.o lmfao.. that was soo awkward? when i reached empire.. i tot everyone ll be like dying their hairs and such thingy.. but then things didnt turn out the same 0.o I WAS KINDA THE ONE OF FEW WHO DYED MY HAIR.. i m like soo.. i felt so different LOL.. everyone was like.. " wow is that u? 0.o " LOL.. they didnt rly dye their hairs tho.. only me -_- like so embarrassing wei! everyone was looking at me 0.o then kept on saying i changed a lot LOL.. such things la =D maybe i should feel happy?LOL.. VAIN ME HAHA~~
Prom was kinda bored tho 0.o but we kept taking photoes around empire LOL.. everyone looked soo pretty and fabulous =D kinda took lots of stupid pics LOL.. but its ok la LOL.. and i saw " that person " walau.. wearing soo cool man haha.. but i think he is still avoiding me >.< suan le.. its kinda time to forget about him =)
Just now i felt like really super duper awkward -_- guess wat? something embarrassing happened on me >.< cz there was this lucky draw thing.. i thought i wont be that LUCKY to get any prize LOL.. so i wasnt paying attentation when they were announcing the winners LOL.. then suddenly my fren was like " boon ling g out go out!! " i was like wth? asked me to go out for wat? 0.o then they said i won a prize LOL.. so random wei.. the teacher was like.. number 40 for the XX times LOL.. then my frens were like.. number 40 here!!!! BOON LING GO OUT.. i m like dam.. everyone was looking at me LOL.. and i didnt know where to go.. they said go out.. i was freaikn stupid and i really WENT OUT but to the EXIT LOL.. everyone was like laughing and looking at me..
WALAU EH.. dam embarrassing LOL.. and i noticed that their GO OUT is actually go to collect my prize LOL.. so stupid man.. kah boon still wants to insult again -_- kuai lan.. hella embarrassing >.< but not bad tho LOL.. i got a swenson voucher -_- $10 LOL.. nice? -_- better than nothing right?LOL.. if i could choose i want fitness zone man~
High heels.. cannot tahan man >.< just now was like the 1st time i wore high heels >.< soo pain ah my legs... when i went into my car.. the 1st thing i did is take off my shoes LOL.. hella pain.. i wonder how can people tahan with that -_- and i should have wore contact lens man 0.o me and zimah was like the only girl.. who didnt wear contact lens >.< but not.. i m SCARED OF WEARING CONTACT LENS WA.. very scary T.T maybe i ll try.. some other time la.. LOL..
And during the prom.. the things we did was pics pics pics and pics LOL.. but well i didnt use my camera much -_- lazy to carry around -_- so most of the pics are kinda in my fren's camera =D around 11:30pm. i reached home LOL.. and i forgot wat i did 0.o then started to blog =D
I know i know too much craps ma XD soo ima post some pics later 0.o just few pics only 0.o dont wnana post too much.. very slow!! plus.. i looked not rly nice in those pics XD i ll wait for my frens send me the pics.. which are much more better LOL..
Enjoy pics 0.o
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Btw guys, i forgot to say that XD i m graduated XD weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~ hahah~~ GRADUATED IN SAS 17/11/08 ( monday ) 9am LOL.. happy happy happy XD no need to wear thw school uniform le?haha~~ but im kinda sad.. i cant see " that person " anymore * sniff * * wipe tears * but its ok haha.. ll be fine soon LOL..
Well.. just wanna say.. im graduated le! so dam happy haha~~ and got my leaving certificate le XD not bad the certificate LOL.. nice design haha~~ golden jubilee's logo XD soo now can do anything i like haha~~
This is weird -_- when i free from exams now.. i kinda feel bored and miss school LOL.. silly huh? haha~~ after this month XD i m gonna list out wat i wanna do haha~~ this month.. watch tv.. computer.. and play first LOL.
Feel like nothing to write anymore 0.o till here XD BYE READERS~~
Well.. just wanna say.. im graduated le! so dam happy haha~~ and got my leaving certificate le XD not bad the certificate LOL.. nice design haha~~ golden jubilee's logo XD soo now can do anything i like haha~~
This is weird -_- when i free from exams now.. i kinda feel bored and miss school LOL.. silly huh? haha~~ after this month XD i m gonna list out wat i wanna do haha~~ this month.. watch tv.. computer.. and play first LOL.
Feel like nothing to write anymore 0.o till here XD BYE READERS~~
Never judge a book by its cover
Well.. this is just about my random thought only.. nothing to say LOL..
Yesterday i kinda passed by the mall, i saw this woman's car break down on the road side. She was a chinese though and it was kinda 10pm 0.o can u imagine that, a woman's car break down by the road side and no one even bothered to help her? There were so many cars and people passing by.. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS THAT SHE NEEDED HELP.. but no one even bother to help.. people were just walked pass and stared and walked off..
Normally when you see people's car break down by the road side.. arent u like.. ok atleast go to that people and ask whether he/she needs help? But then no.. no one bother to ask her 0.o that was really mean ok -_- arent Bruniean friendly? 0.o i dont know at i m talking about.. its just like 0.o no one bother to help her? -_-
I tot my dad would have gone to her and ask wheather she needs help but then my dad was like.. walked off as if he didnt see anything 0.o i was really 0.o .. my dad doesnt seem like that kind of people.. i know its none of our business but then.. i kinda 'kan bu guo yen' Weird me -_-
There were soooo many people.. who looked like.. dont know how to say -_- friendly but actually not.. like those wat u so called good people? which means they dont hang around.. smoke and people who have families.. normally, those are the person who ll come to u and ask wheather u need hep or not? But then i saw something 0.o taht made me believed that.. u should really NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER~~
Cause wat i saw was... these few young Malay gangster.. which u think they are bad.. like those people who flirt,smoke,blonde hair and so on.. They were helping this lady fixing her car 0.o i really couldnt believe that.. cause for me i always thought gangsters.. would never be good and always racist LOL.. that was kinda a shock for me.. i know u guys would think its not a big deal but its just my random thought -_-
I kinda felt upset i dont know why.. seeing people.. which i thought were good werent that good.. seeing people that i thought were bad.. was good?LOL.. non sense -_-
Soo.. i wanna end this by saying.. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER~~ cause a gangster might help u when u need help but not those wat u so called "high class people"
Posted by Ling <3 Jean~
Yesterday i kinda passed by the mall, i saw this woman's car break down on the road side. She was a chinese though and it was kinda 10pm 0.o can u imagine that, a woman's car break down by the road side and no one even bothered to help her? There were so many cars and people passing by.. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS THAT SHE NEEDED HELP.. but no one even bother to help.. people were just walked pass and stared and walked off..
Normally when you see people's car break down by the road side.. arent u like.. ok atleast go to that people and ask whether he/she needs help? But then no.. no one bother to ask her 0.o that was really mean ok -_- arent Bruniean friendly? 0.o i dont know at i m talking about.. its just like 0.o no one bother to help her? -_-
I tot my dad would have gone to her and ask wheather she needs help but then my dad was like.. walked off as if he didnt see anything 0.o i was really 0.o .. my dad doesnt seem like that kind of people.. i know its none of our business but then.. i kinda 'kan bu guo yen' Weird me -_-
There were soooo many people.. who looked like.. dont know how to say -_- friendly but actually not.. like those wat u so called good people? which means they dont hang around.. smoke and people who have families.. normally, those are the person who ll come to u and ask wheather u need hep or not? But then i saw something 0.o taht made me believed that.. u should really NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER~~
Cause wat i saw was... these few young Malay gangster.. which u think they are bad.. like those people who flirt,smoke,blonde hair and so on.. They were helping this lady fixing her car 0.o i really couldnt believe that.. cause for me i always thought gangsters.. would never be good and always racist LOL.. that was kinda a shock for me.. i know u guys would think its not a big deal but its just my random thought -_-
I kinda felt upset i dont know why.. seeing people.. which i thought were good werent that good.. seeing people that i thought were bad.. was good?LOL.. non sense -_-
Soo.. i wanna end this by saying.. NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER~~ cause a gangster might help u when u need help but not those wat u so called "high class people"
Posted by Ling <3 Jean~
Thursday, November 13, 2008
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......... after today's POA -_- i think i feeling more free already? Of course if u have one more paper left u ll feel rather free -_- but then there is one more thing that made me unhappy -_-
I GUESS I CANT GET 5 "o" already.. walau.. the exams papers pattern/format keeo changing.. i also dont know how -_- today.. the balance sheet thingy was about 40 FREAKIN MARKS MAN!! NORMALLY ITS ONLY 35%!!! Walau eh.. i was kinda comfident of that kind of question one but then? It turned out like... shit -_- walau eh.. the balance was about 20000+ different ok? -_- i have never get soooo big different before -__ dammit..
HAHA.. while i was doing i wanted to cry lol -_- i know u guys might say i didnt study well or something like that la.. LA LA LA~~ i dont care wat u guys say -_- i really DID STUDY but the thing is.. too hard already!!! not my fault -_- i was kinda aiming to get credit for this POA but then it seems like.. chances of getting credit is low -_-
Wat if i cant get 5 credits? thats mean kena reject by the schools? i dont want to be rejected by any school >.< or maybe.. i dont know.. dont know wat i can do eh if i cant get 5 credits -_- school is a probelm.. money is also a problem -_- i dont want my parents to waste money to send me to somewhere else which is expensive la >.<
OMG... i m really scared when i thought of that.. wat if.. wat if.. i really cant get to form 6? would be very ashamed >.< dont want ah... OMGGGG this kind of feelings.. NUUUUUUUUU~~ coming back >.< emo.. shit.. must must must stop thinking about it anymore.. before its getting worst >.< thats past tense already right? soo if u very now also no use right? >.< sooo.. cheer up and be ready for the next paper la!!
Well.. one more paper combine science.. do it well >.< one more.. haha.. then ll be free.. soo just study hard for these few days and ll be fine!!! till here readers XDD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~
I GUESS I CANT GET 5 "o" already.. walau.. the exams papers pattern/format keeo changing.. i also dont know how -_- today.. the balance sheet thingy was about 40 FREAKIN MARKS MAN!! NORMALLY ITS ONLY 35%!!! Walau eh.. i was kinda comfident of that kind of question one but then? It turned out like... shit -_- walau eh.. the balance was about 20000+ different ok? -_- i have never get soooo big different before -__ dammit..
HAHA.. while i was doing i wanted to cry lol -_- i know u guys might say i didnt study well or something like that la.. LA LA LA~~ i dont care wat u guys say -_- i really DID STUDY but the thing is.. too hard already!!! not my fault -_- i was kinda aiming to get credit for this POA but then it seems like.. chances of getting credit is low -_-
Wat if i cant get 5 credits? thats mean kena reject by the schools? i dont want to be rejected by any school >.< or maybe.. i dont know.. dont know wat i can do eh if i cant get 5 credits -_- school is a probelm.. money is also a problem -_- i dont want my parents to waste money to send me to somewhere else which is expensive la >.<
OMG... i m really scared when i thought of that.. wat if.. wat if.. i really cant get to form 6? would be very ashamed >.< dont want ah... OMGGGG this kind of feelings.. NUUUUUUUUU~~ coming back >.< emo.. shit.. must must must stop thinking about it anymore.. before its getting worst >.< thats past tense already right? soo if u very now also no use right? >.< sooo.. cheer up and be ready for the next paper la!!
Well.. one more paper combine science.. do it well >.< one more.. haha.. then ll be free.. soo just study hard for these few days and ll be fine!!! till here readers XDD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Smile =)
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy people XD yesterrday i was reading this people's blog 0.o wow.. it was nice haha.. guess wat was the blog about? well..
The blog was kinda about.. TRY TO MAKE ATLEAST 3 PERSON TO SMILE EVERYDAY! Just make 3 person smile everyday.. u ll feel happy too >.< i hope its true haha.. cz it says.. if u make 3 person smile everyday.. u ll happy and smile too =D and also.. try to learn how to forgive people.. that will brighten ur life XD soo.. i MUST learn how to forgive people haha.. maybe that ll make me even more happy XD
Soooo.. JW.. lucky you.. i think i m not gonna ignore and avoid u anymore le la.. u should thanks to that blog -_- LOL.. guess i ll talk to u later when i m online =D i think still BFF? i ll see u later then~
The blog was kinda about.. TRY TO MAKE ATLEAST 3 PERSON TO SMILE EVERYDAY! Just make 3 person smile everyday.. u ll feel happy too >.< i hope its true haha.. cz it says.. if u make 3 person smile everyday.. u ll happy and smile too =D and also.. try to learn how to forgive people.. that will brighten ur life XD soo.. i MUST learn how to forgive people haha.. maybe that ll make me even more happy XD
Soooo.. JW.. lucky you.. i think i m not gonna ignore and avoid u anymore le la.. u should thanks to that blog -_- LOL.. guess i ll talk to u later when i m online =D i think still BFF? i ll see u later then~
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