Actually its not a big deal la lol.. But just feel like posting blog. Today i had my commerce paper two.. Actually it was ok de if i didnt study lol.. I mean.. I shouldnt study lmao.. Study already still the same result? Lol.. I never bother to study commerce ok -_- it just so bored lol..
Just wanna say.. Commerce was ok.. Hopefully i can just get a credit i dont expect for more ok.. Just want a credit ll do lol.. I shouldnt waste so much time on commerce la.. Cause its not worth lmao.. For example, if i study.. I get 70 marks.. If dont study i get 65 marks.. So whats the point of wasting ma time to study lol -_- am i right readers?lol..
I might sound bhb but i can tell you guys tat i am not lol.. Just very lazy to study and rather spend more time on other subjects haha. Well.. These few days might be very busy.. Cause.. Continuesly exams! Lol -_- which are tuesday,wednesday,thursday and friday -_- walau.. So many exams.. Want people to die ah? Lol.. Havent studied again lol.. So have to go study! After this blog haha.
Well actually i wanted to blog yesterday.. But i was not in the mood.. Cause i kinda got a discord with one of my friend yesterday.. I know i might get angry very easily eventho it is just a small matter.. But then i just cant control? But he was right.. I just pissed off just because of a hella small matter.
Of course not in the mood la.. We were always like close fren -_- but now in msn we dont even chat le lol.. Maybe i was just too stubborn or wat la.. But as i said i am hot temper -_- so.. Continue to angry!
He didnt even know he pissed me off.. He was being normal to me.. Wanted to act like as if nothing had happened but cannot -_- its like.. He has never cared of my feelings -_- yea thats the point.. Ok ok.. Ima just stop this and jump to the main topic la~
1+1=2 meaning is.. One plus one equal to two la! Lol.. Haha~ also, got another meaning.These few days, i got 2 godbrothers le haha. I know i might sound random again haha.. But you know! I am always random =D
few days ago, i just got my first godbrother, who is francis lmao.. And i do believe in fate ok haha.. We got the same sur name again lmao.. Same pronouncation haha~ but he lives in malaysia though lol~ so yea.. Thats my first brother haha~ and just for your information! My brother he may seems kuai lan but he is actually kind and very man de lol! ( should happy when you see this ) but well,atleast to me he is a gentleman haha.
Move to my another godbrother! Guess who? I also ll never believe tat he became my godbrother kali -_- just chat with him feel like chatting with a big brother lol.. Should i tell the name? Lol.. Dont know.. Dont feel like telling lol.. Just hint -_- he is.. RY lmao thats the hint =D
haha.. This brother.. Different haha.. He lives in brunei de haha.. From fren turns to godbrother haha.. It does feel weird to call him brother now haha but ll use to it soon ? Hope so lol.. This brother ah.. Dont know how to describe him.. He is just like sometimes very lame de -_- can make you lmao haha.. And sometimes we kinda got same tastes? Haha.. And wat i know is.. He doesnt scared of o level lmao.. Thats all i could say =D
gosh i think thats all.. And wait! 2 weeks later.. Its my fren's birthday.. The * cough * those tat had read my previous blogs might know who's tat.. So yea.. Her birthday coming soon.. Shall i just send her a card to greet her or shall i just sms to her on tat day? Dont know wat to do.. Confusing wei! Plus her this spm is like 6 more days.. Shall i greet her? Argh! Some of my frens said yes some said no.. Making me.. Dont know wat to do..
Aiyah, you guys might say i am very xiao qi but when i told her when was my o level she didnt greet me man -_- so dont feel like greeting her.. Gosh.. This time i ll always ask my fren for help help de.. But now? Got problems le la.. Dont know who to share angers with -_-
dang this! What a loser i am -_- haiz... Just to wish tat.. The boat ll arrive safely when it reach the harbour.. Thats wat the chinese chen yu said lol means everything ll be fine soon and there ll sure a solution =D
so must cheer up o ling!
P.S Mr.D if you do happen to read this dont say like writting composition le la -_- i tried my best not to write like composition le lol!