Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another last day~
Happy.. But still sad haha.. Gonna miss mrs.Manik =) she said she ll miss me too lol! 2 years of being my english, form teacher as well as tuition teacher o.0 wa.. Multi teachers lol!
In conclusion, i am gonna miss her =) and thanks for being my teacher haha.. Really did have funs and also the first teacher who cares about us so much =D
posted by ling~
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Economic paper~~
Monday, October 27, 2008
The same feeling again.. - sadness...
i am so sleepy too while i am writting this blog but still wanna blog.. Guess wat? Last night i slept at 4:30am.. Thats why didnt have enough sleep..
Lmao know why i didnt have enough sleep? Cause i was too hard working studied poa paper one which i had not done before.. I think it was a really amazing job for me.. Know why? Cause.. First.. First time studying poa paper one so long.. Around 3 hours lol.. Secondly its because i had never studied poa one before lmao this was the first time and also the last time.
Today malay.. Went to school.. And today my mom fetch me =D so yea i was guessing wheather i could see him or not.. Cause always see him when my mom fetch me.. Then today.. Wa! Fate! Lmao~ i saw his car behind me lol.. Haha.. I think he knows le la.
When i reached canteen.. Study lol.. Studied and talked = didnt go into ma mind and had to go into the hall..
Lmao i did surrender my phone just now but then after the malay paper ended.. I claimed the wrong phone lol! I accidentally took my fren's phone and he accidentally took mine too.,
at first i didnt know tat.. But when i look properly.. I was like 'wtf! This aint my phone! 'lol.. Quickly went to look for my phone.. Many people use n70 though so i got a hard time to look for it...
Around 5mins later.. I went to ask around whose phone was tat cause i didnt know whose phone was tat lol.. Then suddenly.. My fren came to me ' eh, you took my phone ' i was like 'dang you are taking my phone! ' lol! Funny eh.. We got the wrong phone =.=
after tat.. While i was studying poa, i discussed the malay paper with fren.. Dang it! My malay i did out of topic =( totally wrong shit! Then plus my paper two didnt have enough time to finish.. 10marks gone..
Omg i was so pissed of and sad.. I totally stunned.. Didnt know wat to do.. How come nov's paper is harder than june! Dang tat!Actually no rasa cause stunned and blurred.. Lol..
When i reached home.. I thought of tat.. I wont get credit for malay but ll definately get an F then my fren added no.. Its U i was like wtf la -_- i really ku xiao bu de le la! T.T
when i thought of more and more i cried.. My dad looked so disappointed and my mom just comforted me.. My dad made me cry.. Cause he didnt say anything but haiz.. I felt like a loser and useless T.T this kind of feeling coming back! Which i had experienced during june.. Would be worst this time..
I cried cause of 2 reasons.. First because i felt useless and wrote out of topic.. Second because my dad should have comforted me instead of doing tat face.. I felt hurt.. I do agree of what someone had said. ' a little encouragement ll make a big change ' thats hella right...
Kinda wanna cry already when i am writhing this blog.. Too sad.. Not enough sleep.. Exhausted.. So i think i ll get a sleep now eventho its only 9pm.. Bye people..
P.S poa was easy! I think haha..
Saturday, October 25, 2008
O level~! OMIIGODD! O:
Finally blogged, lol. Well, the reason that i blogged it's because I'm not that used to when i link this blog, i can't see new post by ling, lol. lame, i know. anyways~ both of us are having our O's. I had my chemistry and biology practical papers, which i think i screwed it all up *SIGH*. As for Ling, she had her economic paper 2, and she said it is VERY VERY VERY easy, good for her HAHA. On Monday, we will be having BM PAPER 1 and 2, which it is the most important paper among the others, 'cause it decide whether we are going to form 6 or not, NOOOOOOOOOOO. My BM sucks that's why im so afraid bout it =="
So that means both of us won't be active for a few while, busy being nerd :P
Posted by Jean
Friday, October 17, 2008
Random day =D
so i woke up at 7:30am haha just to went to public library and study again.. Have to reach there by 8am lol just so that i could study earlier?
Actually wasnt planning to go but then i think it would be a better way for me to study eventhough it didnt really work that well but hey?atleast something went in to my mind =D this morning instead of sleeping at house?
So yea.. Reached library at 8am and found a place to study alone o.0 i think around 9am jean came to library and study with me la haha~
so we just studied loh~ i figured out group study didnt reply work.. Well.. In some ways.. Cause we actually talked eventhough there were only 2 people lol.. But then i think this is better than sleeping at home haha~
oh and know wat?we found out that in the library there actually had this kids library lmao.. Jean showed me that place i was like wtf?so cute lmfao haha! And might go to study at the kids' place tomorrow lmao just for the hell of it =D
and so.. We half talked and half studied =D till 10:30am.. And had to go o.0 cause i had tuition at poh haha so yea i left... And jean went to rtb and looked for her mum.
Lmao.. In poh's tuition nothing much happened just random things la haha~ saw random person and just talked to them =D but they were friendly though haha~ if got fate might see them in md next year =D
after tuition.. Nothing special went home studied lo~ studied for a while.. Then online and chatted lmao and i think i was looking at the fan spinning and i felt asleep =.=
shit.. Eventhough i have been holding this economic book with me for a week but i still feel like i havent started anything at all..
GOSH! I am starting to get nervous now? Still got 2 more days.. I am wondering whether i got enough time or not -_- plus! I am going to my cousin's wedding again tomorrow.. So i think i ll waste a whole day again -_-
but that wedding is at night so thats mean i still got noon and morning to study =D and i might go to library study again haha.. But i think in kids's library lmao cause that place is cute haha!
Well.. Thats what i so called random craps la.. Nothing much to say o.0 haha so ima stop here again.. My fingers is just so freakin pain now -_-
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A touching story
So.. this is how the story begins..
My mom only had one eye. I hated her... she was such an embarrassment.
She cooked for students & teachers to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to
say hello to me.
I was so embarrassed.
How could she do this to me?
I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out.
The next day at school one of my classmates said, 'EEEE, your mom
has one eye!'
I wanted to bury myself.
I also wanted my mom to just disappear.
I confronted her that day and said, ' If you're only goanna make
me a
laughing stock, why don't you just die?'
My mom did not respond...
I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because
I was full of anger.
I was oblivious to her feelings.
I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her.
So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study.
Then, I got married.
I bought a house of my own.
I had kids of my own.
I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts, Then one day, my
mother came to visit me.
hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her
When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at
her for coming over uninvited.
I screamed at her, 'How dare you come to my house and scare my
And to this, my mother quietly answered, 'Oh, I'm so sorry. I may
gotten the wrong address,'
and she disappeared out of sight.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house.
So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip.
After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity.
My neighbors said that she died.
I did not shed a single tear.
They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.
'My dearest son,
I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to your house and
scared your children.
I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.
But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you.
I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were
growing up.
You see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and
lost your eye.
As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you
having to grow up with one eye.
So I gave you mine.
I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my
place, with that eye.
With all my love to you,
Your mother.
Always tell someone that you love them because you never know what day
will be their last, or your own.
Always seek to resolve your problems or disagreements with loved ones
because if either of you should pass on before, the one who is left alive
will have the rest of their life to ponder those unresolved feelings but
will never find closure. And closure usually brings
1) New York City has 11 letters
2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3) Ramsin Yuseb has 11 letters . (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993)
4) George W Bush has 11 letters.
This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting:
1) New York is the 11th state.
2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11.
3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11
4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers , was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5 = 11
5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 =11
6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911.
9 + 1 + 1 = 11
Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind:
1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254.
2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year.
Again 2 + 5 + 4 = 11..
3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11.
4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident.
Now this is where things get totally eerie:
The most recognized symbol for the US , after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy book:
'For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace.'
That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran. Unconvinced about all of this Still ?!
Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:
Open Microsoft Word and do the following:
1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers ..
2. Highlight the Q33 NY.
3. Change the font size to 48.
4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS 1
What do you think now?!!
This is the result
Q33NY ( actually theres supposed to be a picture one but it doesnt allow me to put LOL.. soo there ll just be words haha )
Economic =D
lmao i was late for 30mins lol.. And err just figured out friend's friend not bad la haha i think i ll support him haha..
Wa.. When he explained the economic to me.. Talked so pro man! Economic so good bet he got A1 for his economic haha.
Err well.. First time i went to public library man haha.. I saw those s1 students also lol. Then the librarians were like so bu suang me cause i didnt put my bag into the locker but hey!that was the first time i went to library how would i know what to do =.=
lol my friend got so many notes for me to study man =.= at first i was studying de lol but then i think we ended with chat lol but still ok la.. At least pro got explained the inflation to me so i kinda get it already.Really pro eh!haha
i think around 12:30pm yea we finished study and like this lo we all went home haha.. My mum came pretty late eh lol..
Then reached home le.. Study a while then eat and watch tv haha.. After that studied for a while again =.= then somehow felt asleep lol!
When i woke up.. It was 6pm already! I still so blur tot it was am rofl =.=
so so so.. Woke up.. Blog!and gtg study now le!so till here readers!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
JOKES which can brighten ur day :D
(Act 1)
Ah Beng calls the telephone operator:
Ah Beng: "Could you please tell me the time difference between
Singapore and New York ?"
Operator: "Just a minute..."
Ah Beng: "Thank you."
Ah Beng got his answer and cut off the line.
(Act 2)
At a bar in New York , the man sat next to Ah Beng told the bartender, "JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE."
and his companion said, "JACK DANIELS,SINGLE."
The bartender turned to Ah Beng and asked, "AND YOU, SIR?"
Ah Beng replied: "Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED."
(Act 3)
After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite sometime, Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a friend.
"It took me only 5 MONTHS to do it," Ah Beng said.
"FIVE MONTHS? Why did you take so long." the friend asked.
Ah Beng replied, "No, it is not long at all, look at the box, it says it is for 4 to 7 years".
(Act 4)
Ah Beng took part in the Singapore Manhunt Competition. During the Q&A segment, the host asks, "Name a drink that begins with the letter 'G'."
The crowd shouts, "Gin! Gin!". Others exclaim, "No, its Grape Juice!"
Another smart aleck yells, "Alamak, Gatorade!"
Host : "Quiet please."
Ah Beng laughs hysterically like a hyena before replying, "C'mon man, I don't need their help? I got more original answer. My answer is "Gu ni!" (milk in Hokkien)
(Act 5)
Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it when he encountered some problems. After a few attempts, he decided to use the 'Help' command. Soon after, he became very irritated and called the computer shop for support.
Ah Beng : "I pressed the 'F1' key for help... but it's been over half an hour & still nobody has come to help me...."
(Act 6)
In the class.
Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"
Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother"
Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"
Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents means cowboy's father and
mother. Also can say Cowboy's father is Cow Pay and
Cowboy's mother is Cow Boo.
So if they walk together, we can say they are 'Cow Pay
Cow Boo'".
(Act 7)
Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered," I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring lor- but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear. So Kena lor!"
"Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But, what happened to the other ear?"
Ah Beng: "That stupid fellow called back again loh!"
(Act 8)
Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends?
Because according to the advertisement, below 18 is not allowed to go in
posted by Jean
thanks ling <3>
Happy birthday jeany <3
Happy birthday dear jeany <3 your the best and hope you enjoy your birthday =D
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dee's openhouse :D
I've never posted any pictures before~ so yea, it's kind of like "finally"? lols :P
And so, finally we are graduated from high school~ gonna miss SAS :(

All Form 5's walking into the hall. spot me? XP

We performed by singing "THE GREAT ESCAPE"

Group Photo :D

Group Photo :D

Group Photo :D

Group Photo :D
P.S. S1 rox! and i love you PEEPS! and also ling <3>
posted by Jean
Monday, October 13, 2008
Love my teacher =D
somehow i feel tat i love my english teacher now o.0
hmm.. Reason?i dont know.. If theres a reason.. It must because she has been my english teacher for 2 years, my form teacher, my 2nd mummy and my tuition teacher as well..
The time i see her is more than other teachers.. Way more ok!
Actually i have never thought that i ll be missing her man.. NEVER! Cause she was always mean to me =( saying me lousy and such things..
Somehow these few days,after the graduation day,class party,her speech,her wish and her concerness... I feel tat i really appreciate her now =D
plus you guys know wat?these few days.. She has been really good to me.. She started to support and encourage me.. She also cares about me more o.0 making me think tat this is a miracle!haha~
oh no!i know i might sound disgusting and kinky right now =( but it was true man..
But i really feel touch of what she had done to me o.0 and appreciate!haha.. And and and also o.0 because of her.. My english actually improves a lot!
Lastly~,i would like to end this blog by saying tat o.0 i ll miss you mrs.Manik =D (i know i might sound les lol )
World's economy!
as you guys know,the world's economy is facing a major recession now.. Which means certain countries' money value are dropping,economy fails,many companies facing bankrupt too and etc.
Well,eventhough this happens in the west side, it ll still effects us but not tat much! Duh~ of course this is not good.. Cause the world's economy is just a mess now lol..
You can also see tat o.0 the money value of australia has dropped too o.0 last time its value was 10cent higher than brunei dollar but now.. Its the same amount as brunei o.0
lmao,not sure this is consider as good or bad.Cause it seems like we got benefit o.0 i mean some not all la haha..
Cause you see,as the money value of australia drops.. I got more chances to go australia for overseas study =D ( atleast its not tat expensive now o.0 ) easier to afford haha~
i know i know o.0 it sounds really bad but its true! Can go overseas study haha?
Err.. Dont know why.. I really enjoy talking about things that is related to economy =D its really really really enjoy!haha! 4 words o.0 I JUST LOVE ECONOMIC!haha~
ok ok.Ima just stop this now o.0 cause i gtg now lol.. Tuition!haha~ bye..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Jean ll put her name below the blog after she finished blogging but for me i am just too lazy soo wont put the name below la haha..
So if you see the post has name below its jean's one.. If you see no name!thats me!haha..
But today is just the first time tat i am using my own hardwork,my sweat.. My knowledge! ( sounds like i am making a big business but actually not )
i earned my own money!haha~ eventhough that amount wasnt much but still, its the first time i am earning money!
Haha~ using my hardwork ( actually not that hard.. I just used my mouth to advertise my dad's company lol ) and i get some commission for tat cause my friend err bought some things from that haha~
so dam happy! I know tat amount wasnt much but still happy haha..
Must remember.. 11/10/08 haha.. Its $30 the amount tat i earned.. Well.. Maybe it wasnt a big deal but it was just too excited for me haha.. Imagine the feeling tat you first time earning money?lol..
Imagine tat!haha of course happy la if you were me.. ( i know this might sound boring but not for me haha )
and weird thing is this -_- these few days ah.. I keep saying tat i have so many memorable days lol...
Such as.. The day i could solve cube.. ( oh thats the other thing i learned from sas! ) the day i first attempting teacher's wedding, the day i broke record made 3 people cried in a day.. The day which i first earning money..
Haha.. Its like so many first o... But seriously.. This year my form 5's live is totally different from the past few years haha. Maybe its because this year is form 5,principal changed,being senior and more active la haha..
Well.. I think thats all lol cause i am using phone to blog now so dont wanna write too much la.. Making my fingers pain only o.0
but whats more important is.. I earned $30 haha!
We were graduated on 8/10/08!
And i just figured out that.. posting pictues in blogs aint easy -_- LOL.. took me like freakin 30mins too post this... soo... i am malas to post more pictures LOL.. soo wish u all enjoy lah~~

Sooo yea~~ thats the ending haha!! WE ARE GRADUATED!!!
11/10/08 - ended school life in SAS
Just for your information.. my hobby is just blogging... blogging and blogging.. i dont know why.. blogging is just seems fun.. i know it might be something which is bored and wasting your time.. but for me its just a dairy.. what i have to do is just write write write... and i ll read it when i m free XD In other word, this blog is just created for my own but not others.. soo i dont have to change the way that i blog for th readers.. ( my style LOL )
For me.. what i like to do is just.. write and write haha and feel soo lazy to post pictues too.. cz the connection is hella slow -_- soo readers 0.o if u wanna read my blog 0.o it is always full with words haha!!!
Ok.. now 0.o as all the SAS people know that today.. which is saturday.. means the last day of school haha for the from 5 then after today we are having study leave and not going back to school anymore but if we do go back.. its for exams haha XD and now i m not gonna say those emo things and bored things of how i feel.. cz today was just a cool and joyful day XD
As people know that.. CS is the always the naughtiest class.. loudest class among all the other classes haha.. Some people even look down at CS's people BUT! We know that we are not good at study but we might be good at doing other things? We have our own talents... If there is any functions in school.. our class is always the one which is performing those singing and instruments things but not the science class -_- ( this is what we so called CS.. our talents are.. singing anf playing instruments haha )
Below is the part of speech that my fren gave during the graduation day ( i love it dam much ):-
" We all are not fit to be doctors, nevertheless.. we all are more in the creative sides.. creative as in.. desingning the clothes.. who knows one day some of us might be the fashioned designer? And singing, dancing and etc.. this is what we meant by being creative "
Haha.. really like it >.> ok ok.. ima stop these 0.o continue the fun things! LOL
Sooo.. our class is always well known as err a class which has many stupid, funny ,silly ideas LOL.. soo on thursday our class decided to have a class party on today XD ot was a last min decision though LOL.. but still got accepted XDD
All of us had to bring foods and drinks to school today XD but well yea.. i m lazy -_- i just paid $7 for the pizza only la XD and the rest.. let ppl to panic loh~~ haha XD as long as i get to eat later than enough f3 f3
When i just reached school.. they had already prepaid the foods LOL.. the picture below was the foods and drinks XD but this is not all 0.o the complete one ( i mean which has more foods and drinks LOL ) is with my fren so yea XD

Later.. we had english period haha.. and we played dumbcharate.. ( dont know how to spell ) and that was fun haha.. people kept doing the silly things.. just to let us know whats the word mean XD i was laughing like hell... after that.. teacher suggested us a game... when she said out a word like "music" u have to keep taling about the topic for one min none stop XD haha~~
That was really fun man when ppl did that especially Bryant.. he talked so fast haha and non sense but funny though.. i was laughing like hell haha.. especially Jian Ming -_- about Burger LOL.. he couldnt say anything about burger.. what he could say was " i love burger LMFAOOO " i was laughing like hell hahah... u should see his face 0.o
During commerce lesson.. we were not allowed to err play cards -_- cause mangalam said soo... ( see this is what i learned from SAS again.. calling teachers' name without using mr,ms or mdm haha XD ) soo those "clever people" thought of some cool games LOL..
Since it was last day of school.. they didnt bother so much 0.o soo they played err music chair -_- ( nice games huh? ) haha~ actually i wanted to play too.. but then weraing skirt... i m scared that i ll fall LOL and sooo didnt play... soo just watching nia haha~~
People who were playing the music chairs XD
They actually played many games too.. inside the classroom like jalan kaki?and err some other games which i forgot haha.. was fun to see that XD
Last period... everyone was like perparing for the party already 0.o the picture below was a scene that they were listeing to Mrs.Manik's speech haha~~ ( very touch de speech ) always support us de speech!haha~~

Yea~~ after the speech.. we sang the song which was made by Bryant.. and i think the teachers sang with us too haha... and i think a few people cried >.<>
Btw, this was the cake that we bought for Mrs.Manik.. she was cutting the cake XD after that she feed the cake to us one by one.. that was really touch >. Cake!!haha~
After that finished.. we started to eat at 12:45pm.. which was the finished of school LOL.. eat eat eat.. 30mins later 0.o and i went out at 1:15pm if i m not wrong 0.o cz had to clean the things that we ate and take away LOL.. i dao pau the cakes away XDD cz it was really nice ma haha~~
Before we left we said goodbye and left... thats how we ended out last day.. in SAS.. form 5... i think it was pretty good lah.. cause err form 3 we didnt have things like that.. we just left silently LOL.. without anything.. atleast now we got a small party =D sooo cheer up!! haha~~
P.S. our class was great cause got party and as well as s2 but s1 didnt have too bad!!Hahaa~~
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Things that i have experienced in SAS
Shit.. i dont like this kind of feeling.. this kind of feeling is like sooo sad... lost... down >.> i really dont feel like leaving man.. know how sad is to leave a school which u have been studying for 5 years? And all the friends in this school.. are like ATLEAST 2 years... some even 5 years.. got some even 8 years T.T we have been knowing each other for soo long already ... and staying in this school... cant imagine how would i feel when i left this school.. it might be very weird LOL..
Dam.. after this NOVEMBER.. i can not longer called myself as a SAS's student anymore.. T_T really dont like this ah... Sooo many memorable things happened in SAS.. and as well as many 1st time in SAS.. this school is like my 2nd home already.. who the heck would like to leave their own houses? Place which they shared the sadness and happiness with teachers.. friends.. as well as weird people LOL.. and also i fugured out that i should make a list of what i had experienced and learned in SAS this 5 years haha..
Below are the things that i had first done in SAS haha XDD
- Haha.. i remember.. the 1st time i disect ( not sure the spelling ) the cow's eye in SAS
- 1st time climbling the tree in MUARA with friends.. and i remember i fell down from the tree -_- it really did hurt sooo much.. bleeding somemore... but i wasnt the worst one.. the person who was catching me was the worst one LOL.. his ankles were bleeding none stop man >.>
- running on the high way for like 2-3km during the MSE teen game
- to get on the stage XD
- to participate in NSW
- to participate in National Day's marching
- singing and performing on the stage LOL
- participate in badminton club
- going to some field trips.. like OGDC.. RTB.. and etc..
- going to Singapore trip which is on this March XD
- attempting Gala Night and have the chance to see Golden Jubilee XD
- kena diao by teacher then ended up standing outside.. ( got kena sent to office before )
- arguing with teacher then said me bo ka si? -_-
- always been to theh main office which i had never done that in CHMS
- had teacher's day party in classroom..
- happened to have a drinks day during form 3 's english lesson lmfao XD
- was practicing for the march past till 1am in the Padang =D
And SAS also helped me in many things and also learnt many things from it...
- making me more brave and courage
- made me even dare to argue and scold teacher more -_-
- made me even more lazy.. ( copy homework like drink water during lower secondary.. then upper secondary.. didnt do any homework at all except for english.. cz teacher very fierce LOL )
- know how to ask teachers for free periods
- know how to bitch about ppl eh?
- know how to sing the school's song when i was form 4 LOL
- know that library period is always fun cz its free period LOL ( got aircone somemore )
- learned how to be a "good student"
- leanred how to tease people..
- overcome my stage fright LOL ( not sure spelling correct or not )
- and i found out that the canteen's food arent that bad too haha
- also know that 0.o canteen is always the meeting place for us XD
- our class always got the last place for the cleaning -_- ( the only time we got first place was form 3 once only LOL )
- and my english actually improves haha
- never make fun of strict teachers -_-
- people in SAS are just very kind =D
Things that i feel touch were..
- when our form 3 's life almost ended.. our form teacher who was always looking soo mean actually cried >.<>.<
- i have these cool and lame frens XD
- the teachers actually care for us.. not only out school works. and also our personal's life >.<
- compared to CHMS's teachers.. i prefer SAS's one cause they were the teachers that actually cried for us..
- Our 2nd mummy just feed us the chocolate that we bought for her using her hand >.<
- Our form teacher were supposting us eventho we were always wrong..
- From teacher didnt look down at us.. and shes always trying to prove to the others that.. CS are not a piece of shit
- When we were singing the song that made by Bryant =D
- All our teachers wished us.. including Miss.Jane
- for having those cool CS's classmate >.<
- and form teacher actually cried T.T
LASTLY... I really appreciate of what all the teachers have done to us =D eventhough sometimes i really dislike you -_-
Saturday, October 4, 2008
It was actually very complicated 0.o first... xia and pei was supposed to reach my house at 7+ am and we ll walk to kim's house and ask her to fetch us to the wedding.. they asked me to wake up so early BUT.. they themselves woke up like 7am?and reached my home at 8am? -_- HELLO -_- i had been waiting for you guys LOL and you guys wasted my one hour for nothing!!! I kept yawning man -_- if you guys told me that u ll be coming a bit late.. i could have sleep more..
FINALLY.. 8am they reached my house lol and walking to kim's house seems far so we just asked her to come to my house and fetch us la haha XDD thanks kim XD
Wow XD everyone seemed pretty 0.o and took a pic la XD but the pic is not with me LOL.. was not using my camera lol.. so hope that i ll get the pics soon from them XD If not i would post the pics one 0.o
We reached Miss Tay's house around 8:30am so that we could get a better place to sit LOL.. cause its first come first serve service?lmfao.. and when we reached there 0.o we were like the first group which reached there first?lol.. but then on the way we saw liang lih they all de cars and we were like playing racing see who reach first LOL.. and we won 0.o
When we arrived~ we met the bride.. wow soo pretty man >.> haha~~ we went to her room,visited her and wished her XD haha~~ and she looked really happy man.. that was nice to see that. Miss. Tay you looked really good with that bride de dress!! PRETTY HAHA~
After that.. yea cause too many people wanted to wish her too so we just left her room and sat outside and waiting for the ceremony to start haha~ dont know wat time 0.o it started..
Oh dang.. cant reallly remembered what happened LOL.. cause i was sweating already haha~ what i know was we did take pics and we signed on the guest book to wish her XD i wrote in chinese some more -_- ugly handwritting!!haha~ oh~ we even ate too haha~~ not bad and at last we reveive a small packet of thing from her XD which got foods inside 0.o
Before that.. we always have this game for the groom before he wants to enter the bride's room. He has to do whatever the bride's sisters say in order to go into the bride's room haha~ its always fun to see that!
First!! The groom had to eat the " ku gua " dont know what is it called in english ahah~~ and soo he had to finish all the kua gua so that he can only pass!!! But too bad 0.o he didnt manage to finish it LOL.. he just bite for 2 times and spit it out LOL.. and somehow he managed to rush in.. so yea 1st stg.. CLEARED!!LMFAO~
2nd!!He had to err drink a coffee 0.o which was added a fresh egg inside LOL.. EWW man.. that was disgusting!!! When he drank.. his reaction was sooo funny lol.. but luckily he didnt spit it out haha XDD he managed to drink the whole cup of coffee~~ so CLEARED again lol
3rd.. he had to sing a song for the bride.. and he didnt know the lyric 0.o so his bros had to help him to think of the lyric lmao.. that was really funny haha~~ and there were few more games but i think i had forgotten le... * sigh * lol.. but that were just simple games la haha..
After that... all the ceremony ended and bride went into the car.. left with the groom.. sad eh >.> but we were like waving to her haha and said goodbye XDD
So.. wedding ended 0.o and the there were few of us that didnt have transports 0.o and we decided to take this bus num 36 to mall LOL.. but the bus had to go Bandar 1st.. and switch bus to go mall but nvm la.. we got plenty of times haha!!
BTW, that was the 2nd time i m taking a bus.. first time was during last year MSE teen games one haha and really dizzy that time and as well as this time.. didnt get better lol still dizzy and it was like we took over the bus LOL.. all the students haha..
On the bus.. it was really shacking man.. luckily i didnt volmit.. if not i think i had to pay more lmfao XD and inside was really crowded 0.o what was more important was... the bus was freaking DIRTY MAN.. i could see like the dust or things like that 0.o and the driver drove so slow some more LOL.. and taking a bus is not that cheap man -_- one dollar!!lol.. ( just because of that one dollar.. i couldnt play the basketaball de shooting in the game house -_- )
So yea.. reached Bandar.. took another bus to mall haha~~ number was 01 0.o cool man XD oh yea and the guys left before us 0.o they said wanted to go hiking LOL..
When we were in mall.. nothing better to do and it was just 12pm 0.o so just went to Jolibee and eat haha~~ burger sia.. and went to play games!!!Just played the basketball shooting which was this pic below XDD

After that.. just went to shooping and nothing else to do and wating for time to go home la haha~~ and just realizedd that.. looking from prom dress isnt that easy LOL.. troublesome -_- plus expensive somemore lol.. so after a while.. gave up le lah.. went to rest.. really tired man >.>
I think my legs alsmost patah LOL.. cause the shoe which i was wearing wasnt that comfortable.. luckily didnt wear high heels LOL.. if not for sure terus pengsang haha.. cz we were walking like a few hours?lol..
When 4pm.. almost everyone went home only left a few ppl.. and 4:45pm.. everyone left >.> oh dang.. my mum was so slow LOL.. and i had to walk around in mall alone like siao.. till 5:30pm baru my mum came..
But.. we didnt go home right after she fetch me 0.o cause.. she wanted to walk around mall again LOL.. soo i had to walk with her.. eventho my legs were really hurt >.> imagine 6 hrs of walking?lol.. after like 30mins.. finally we could go back.. but we didnt go home!!! We had to fecth some cousins to airport LOL..
Please lah >.> i betahan already lah.. need rest.. i had been walking none stop since 9am man.. and guess what? i reached my home at 9 pm!!%^&*(VJKVED^U&B^FI& -_- finally can rest haha XDD and i had been out from house for 13 hours man!!! LOL.. half of the day..
So.. people gratz to me =) i wasted one whole day again =) i promised myself that i wont go out during these few mths XD and i broke my own rule.. soo -_- HAHA~~ one day gone!!! I mean whole week gone.. cause these few days i had been looking for a dress and didnt find any dress that i like 0.o and entertain ppl and.. tomorrow ppl open house agian... have to go.. thats mean half day gone agian!!LOL..
Well.. hope that.. i ll finish my bio vy tomorrow night la.. cause i had been studying this for a week liao.. and havent finished ROFL.. haha XDD
Friday, October 3, 2008
My childhood's memory...
This kind of feeling is really sweet... this kind of sweet feeling is like.. let me recalling my childhoold's life >.> which was sooo fun and err naive LOL.. i know... not the time to think of such things?lol.. but its true sometimes i would have this kind of feeling and i miss my childhood's life >.> GOSH.. why am i sound like an old granny? LOL.. but seriously this kind of feeling is hella sweet >.> like.. u dont have to think of anything.. no need to study.. no hates or anything.. what u do is just err PLAY PLAY PLAY AND PLAY -_- somehow i wish i could go back to 6 years old XD and play dolls with my couz XD ( wu liao de me ) but i really enjoyed that haha XD
Guess what? And also.. these few days -_- i m in this err christmas mood lmfao.. -_- which is like so lame?lol.. my friends were like asking me ( eh.. B.. you alright? -_- got fever hah? ) LMFAO -_- people is just in the christmas mood mah.. got anything wrong? The word christamas keep appearing in my mind as well as the songs lol.. so.. i went to download these christmas songs lmfao -_- funny haha~~
I was like a kid who just got a lollipop from her mum XDD i was enjoying the xmas songs for the whole day LOL.. my sis was like LMFAO -_- ( eh! must appreciate u know? ) SO... after i downloaded... guess what?
Thats what i sang when i got the songs -_- i even went to download the Disney's characters sang de songs LOL.. i know right -_- childish haha~~ but cant help XDD sooo hyper when i listened to the songs... WTH right?lol.. my friends said i ll dance with the songs soon lol.. HAHA~~ funny meh? -_-
DANG IT.. these few days.. 2 weeks before i told myself i must study last week de.. then last week i told myself i wanted to study this week de.. then this week -_- i told myself... i MUST STUDY and see what happened? This week... i m like keep going out and HAPPY?lol.. wth... must study -_- cant like this le.. but then cant help? These few days i have to go out.. cz i have to entertain them... holy... -_- SHIT lol.. dam me -_- i must really study study le!!!!! dont wanna get sucky results...
GOSH.. thats what i said to myself like before holiday lol.. dont know whether i ll really study or not when school reopen.. still dont wanna die sia x_x
DAM.. guess what again 0.o last nitght right.. that person who i said was really mean to me de.. the Penang de fren.. she came online and i chatted with her.. WALAU EH.. didnt bother to reply again? suan le.. i ll never chat with you anymore lol.. U mean to mean then i ll be more mean to you -_- this is not the first time le.. i kept tolerating you lol.. but your just trying my patient -_- fine~~ want to play i play with u lol.. ll not TALK TO YOU ANYMORE... ( i know i might sound childish but really i think your trying my patient -_- )
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ok.. normally i judge the time by refering to my phone's time cause i believe that my phone is always accurate and for sure nothing is wrong with he time.. oh yea and i also use my phone as alarm clock sometimes.. soo yea i did that last time too as usual.. -_- i put the alarm as err 10am cause wanna wake up earlier to study ( hard working me )
Then it was phone rang LOL.. and i woke up -_- wow after i had finished cleaning up myself and so so.. i prepared to study 0.o and there was a clock in my living room de mah.. and i didnt really pay attentation to it cause i always refer to my phone one..
While i was like studying half way though.. then my sisster suddenly tookk down the clock which was on the wall and adjusted it~~ then of cz i pay more attentation to her.. Suddenly when i looked at the clock and i looked at my phone's time
"Oh.. this clock is too fast already.. are u going to adjust it? " I asked
" Nooooo... it slow, cant u see?its 15mins faster " she said
I was like wth??? SLOW?? Hello!! My phone is like 10:30am? and u still said its slow? that clock was around 11:15am lol..
Then she said " Jie, yours wrong already lah~~ look at my phone and my watch and bla bla bla LOL.. " i am like LMFAO? ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL... dod that mean i wooke up at 11am instead of 10am?lmfaooo -_- my sister was laughing like hell and i was like so embarrassing lol.. really stupid man -_- stupid phone... how come suddenly not accurate anymore?lol..
After that.. i think i learnt a lesson from this -_- : never trust your phone sooo easily... and your phone is not always correct~~ your phone is not everything -_- its just a machine that ll also make mistakes LMFAO -_- other word = it just sucks lol!!!