And i just figured out that.. posting pictues in blogs aint easy -_- LOL.. took me like freakin 30mins too post this... soo... i am malas to post more pictures LOL.. soo wish u all enjoy lah~~
This blog has nothing must to say today haha.. cause i m kinda sleepy now XD but i ll just simply say random things la XD
This graduation day was held on 8/10/08 in school hall at 1:30am haha.. and we had to line up outside the primary section there in order to go into the hall.. then when we were entering the hall.. the hall got this funnny music again haha~~ i was like lmfao XD as if we were superhero rescuring the world LOL..
When we entered.. some people gave some speechs which was about 20mins in total and after that.. we had to line up class by class to the stage and collect out report books haha which was put inside the envelope nicely~~ excited or not? DUHHHH~~ of cz.. we are the 1st bage ( not sure the spelling ) which have the chance to celebrate the graduation day .... of cz happy haha~~
After that each class has to perfrom something for the Graduation Day.. Our class was going to the singing and as well as s2 but s1 seem like didnt prepare to perfrom anything 0.o soo dont know lah...
Our class was the 1st one to perfrom... after my frens gave the speech.. we started to sing... the songs were nice.. they were 3 songs.. one of the songs were wrote by Bryant haha~~
The first song was leaving on jat plane
Second song was the song wrote by bryant which was called Goodbye
Third song was called When we die ( its not a funeral song )
And we had been haha~~practicing the songs very long and i think we perfrom very well haha.. i got the pics.. but DAM.. i hate posting pictures now -_- sooo lazy to upload lah haha~~ just imagine we were singing on the stage enough LOL.. and Richmond was playing guitar
And i thought that the songs werent that bad too... soo ima just post the lyrics down too haha~~
Leaving on Jet plane
So kiss me and smile for me,
tell me that you ll wait for me,
hold me like you ll never let me go,
cause i m leaving~~ on a Jet plane,
dont know when i ll be back again,
Oh baby~ i hate to go..
Goodbye, to the time, to the time we spent together,
Goodbye, to the sweet memories that we know ll last forever,
only time can tell where the world ll bring us to,
remembering good times,sweet songs and laughter that we shared together.
When we die
And i know that we're gonna be fine
and the tattoed mistakes are gonna fade over time,
as long as we live, time passes by,
and i know that we wont get it back when we die,
come over, come over, whoa whoa whoa~~~
Yea~~ so that were the 3 songs that we sang haha~~ not bad right? After we sang.. it was s1's turn and they actually got a surprise haha~~ they perfromed and i forgot what they sang LOL.. soo s2... they sang the song Graduation.. wasnt bad haha~~ got violin, guitar, piano and human's sound 0.o which they always like to do in class -_- ( like frog's sound )
After they sang finished.. the Graduation Day ended, soo we just took pictures randomly aorund the school hall 0.o and the pictures below are the few pictures that we took on that day. actually wanna post more but i really hate posting pics cz its HELLA hard lol~~

Sooo yea~~ thats the ending haha!! WE ARE GRADUATED!!!
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