LMFAO~~ today is the 2nd day of holiday le.. feel so bred man.. i know 0.o we are supposed to study at house right? but then just got a kind of feeling.. lost lmfao? 2 days ago was the day that we officially ended our high school de life.. which mean form 5 had ended 2 days ago LOL.. sure~ we are going back to school again but when we go back~~ yea we meet at the school hall.. for exams -_- i know.. no more staying in class! no more stupid and chilsish behaviour LOL -_- that day ah.. i should have bought my camera to school and take pic LOL.. cz when i reached school right 0.o everyone was like using their own camera and phone to take pic here adn there 0.o when u walked arounf form 5 level right.. u can see everyone taking pic here and there~ none stop and hugged there and here and apologized here and there too LOL.. you guys should have seen that man 0.o couldnt believe that was the end of our school life.. sooo random.. soo sudden..
All the teachers didnt even care of us already~ since its the last day le.. they just let us do anything that we wanted to do LOL.. and soo we were just taking pic here and there and we even took a pic of the teachers too LOL -_- walau eh.. that day i can tell u that.. its totally messed up man 0.o councillors, monitor and monitress not wearing ties 0.o whats more was we even escaped lessons lmfao~~ but well teacher didnt even care 0.o ( walau eh~ what kind of senior is this? teach all the junior this kind of stuffs ) but who cares?! its the last day of schoool le la~~ scold then scold LOL.. -_-
All the teachers didnt even care of us already~ since its the last day le.. they just let us do anything that we wanted to do LOL.. and soo we were just taking pic here and there and we even took a pic of the teachers too LOL -_- walau eh.. that day i can tell u that.. its totally messed up man 0.o councillors, monitor and monitress not wearing ties 0.o whats more was we even escaped lessons lmfao~~ but well teacher didnt even care 0.o ( walau eh~ what kind of senior is this? teach all the junior this kind of stuffs ) but who cares?! its the last day of schoool le la~~ scold then scold LOL.. -_-
That day really lots of things happened man 0.o oh yea eventho we did take photo but then we missed out some ppl le.. cz its like 1/4 of the classmate didnt go to school anymore le.. so u can see all the form 5 level de students were walking arounf here and there.. s1.. s2.. cs.. library.. canteen and so on LOL.. oh yea as well as main office lmfao? ( never kena principal bomb is it? ) yea just go anywhere that they could to take pic la~ eventho teachers got scold but who cares?! yea so everyone continued to do that like for the whole day 0.o the POA period le.. that john yong ah.. still wanted to teach -_- its the last day of school le man! what can u teach?LOL.. actually i wanted to stay in History class de but then got kicked out by him 0.o so had to go POA -_- but then in POA class seemed empty -_- and didnt want to study POA lmfao~~ soo my friends and I -_- escaped LOL.. ( last day of schoool still wanted to escape 0.o HAIZ~~ see this kind of ppl -_- ) so we went to library actually for 1 1/2 period -_- the other half got kicked out by my form teacher when she saw us playing at library?lmfao.. we turned CLASSless le 0 so wee were like walking arounf the school and tried to find a place and sit down.. but then canteen?not a good place -_- err go back to class?cannot.. s2? kena diao.. s1?dont want la.. sooo the best place!!ART ROOM!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH~~ we quickly went to art room lmfao XD settle doen le 0.o but then the air cone insidee wasnt as cold as the library one lol haha~ bt dont care la~ got place to stay very good le 0.o
After that its math period 0.o haha can go back to class le xD no need to hide there and here le 0.o ) u know actually escape lesson ery tough de -_- must hide ur face so that teacher cant see u LOL.. if kena principal or ADP terus siap eh? and also my 2nd mummy LOL ) but well not the 1st time escape le la LOL.. ( see what kind of person is this ) math period go back to class lu XDD Arul no lesson 0.o so we played and talked and took pic and more LOL.. used my frne's computer to watch youtube and took pic 0.o then talked about prom again -_- dont know whether goign or not man.. $40 dollars LOL.. then there were these few guys they were bored 0.o they played with the cubes sia 0.o playing with 6 cubes 0.o not bad haha~~ they managed to make a tower of cube!!! -_- quite cool man 0.o
But then.. still so bored LOL.. somehow 0.o thenn suddenly i heard whisper -_- from from next door lmfao haha~~ asked me whether want to escape lesson again lmfao.. sure y not 0.o last day la dont care LOL.. go library can practice oral cz later got oral again 0.o BUT didnt know how to escape 0.o so i told teacher that i wanted to go toilet lmfao ( what a lame excuse ) annd she just said if u want to go out with them just tell la -_- what for telling me lies? LOL.. dam clever o.. then she actually didnt allow me to go de 0.o but didnt care haha~ just walked off from the class la XD last day le 0.o scold ma scold LOL.. BLEH! we went to library 0.o luckily didnt see my teacher man 0.o if not kena diao again LOL..
We had been practicing oral for one period 0.o then bell rang >.> thats mean we had officially ended our school day lol -_- faster went back to class.. then walau eh... guess what i saw -_- those " singer and musician " in our class 0.o they broke the chairs and tables -_- they were hitting the tables and singing LOL.. everyone was singing and hitting the table soo happily haha.. didnt know i dhould laugh or cry -_- what a messedd man!! eh dont forget.. my duty on that day -_- HAHA~~ have to clean for them man.. after their performances.. they left me with those duty ppl LOL.. sooo mess 0.o monitor still wanna so kuai lan.. last de le lah uncle!! kept asking me to do duty 0.o dont care haha~~ ecaped again f3 thanks monitor!! for doing my duty for me xD before everyone leeave 0.o they apologized and hugged again LOL.. really looked sad man 0.o when u were walking at the form 5 level there.. everyone hugged and smiled and some kinda wanted to cry le.. LOL.. not me la XD
DANG IT.. still got oral that day 0.o cant be soo relax man.. were studing the oral topics that teacher gave me.. who knows that.. i got a dam super duper easy topic -_- guess what was it? TV PROGRAM THAT U LIKE TO WATCH~dtcfjvTRGBURTGBTB oh yea just for ur information.. its malay oral not english LOL.. if english i coculd say a lot.. but that was in malay 0.o got stucked -_- had to slow down and thought and translated into malay LOL!! got few words stucked lagi -_- then wth? didnt even speak more than like 5 sentencs then got kicked out le?HAHA -_- wth right?so dam fast... the english was like 15 mins man and this malay was like 1 min?._. wth right! haix bo bian la.. ppl puasa ma -_- we were supposed to finish at 4:30pm but we finished an hour earlier LOL.. but then still had to wait for my transport until 4pm la~ ehh ps!!the examiners were rly suck man 0.o dam layz!!! cz normally 0.o if they ask u the kefahaman la.. if u got the answeer wrong 0.o they ll repeat the question de.. telling u that ur wrong 0.o but then this one rly walau eh~~ i ansewered wrong le.. didnt even repeat or say anything 0.o they were just staring at me man! if wrong then just tell la!isnt it so hard to tell?LOL.. kuai lan -_- dam lazy!! laziest person that i had ever seen -_-
soo yea when oral finished 0.o the examiners told us that we passed out orals LOL.. when we didnt even talk more than 5 sentencees?LOL.. suan le la~~ atealst we passed hahaha xD making ppl so nervous there -_- all of us thought that we would fail man LOL.. suan le la XD after tat we went to canteen to wait for transport 0.o ( hey i just realized that when we have any event in school 0.o our meeting plalce, hang out place, chit chat, sutdy place for sure its always canteen man haha XD maybe cz its near,small and comfortable LOL )
Well.. last day of school.. staying back till so late.. having oral.. escapedd.. took pic... LOL.. not bad la~~ must always cherish XD ( dont know cherish what LOL ) but yea~ ll always remember my last day at school haha~~ oh no XD wrote so much le 0.0 must stop!! hahaha~~
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