lmfao 0.o~~ today is just sooo many things to talk about man >.> ok first 0.o actually yeaterday was just an coincident that i solved the cube f3 f3 but then today is the day which i can rly rly rly solve all the sides~~ haha soo suang man~~ solved soo many times today 0.o can say as uncountable le XDD today i became si fu le XD my turn to teach ppl how to solve cube 0.o my first customer.. * cough * * cough * someone LOL.. rly pissing me off man that person was just too idiot man and he didnt even know thw basic knowledge about the cube -_- i felt like killing him when he kept asking me to teach him.. that was rly annoying man 0.o only now i realized that how did jason feel when he was teaching me 0.o ( can see that ) LOL.. i was only teaching one ppl sia but then jason taught like few persons agian 0.o no wonder he got pissed off la haha~~ and i think he hasnt know that i could solve everything already haha~~ tomorrow go shcool and show him.. i bet he ll be faint man xD and wanna challenge me f3 f3~~ but well 0.o i m pro already~~ no problem haha!!!
The time when i realized that i could solve was during noon around 1 or 2pm.. cz during that noon we have english oral ma~~ so yea nothing better to do.. and since one of my friend lended his cube to me cz he was like really annoying already LOL.. and went home 0.o soo yea XD he left the cube and formula sheet on his table 0.o soo.. i just play play play loh~~ didnt really expect too much de actually 0.o but then when i followed to his formula -_- i could actually solve it man LOL.. was just turning the sides randomly then suddenly i saw all the colours match 0.o i was like WTH?LOL.. -_- i can tell u taht i was over excited haha~~ but then during that time not many ppl was in the class.. they all went out and there was me and 3 of my other frens sia -_- soo yea.. wanted to show off they also " o" -_- kuai lan LOL.. but actually who i wanted to show was kah boon XD keep insulting me lah~~ then after i solved the first time 0.o too excited and quickly messed up everything and wanted to complete everything again to prove that i can rly rly rly do it XD just right after i messed up everything -_- then the stupid.. fat ass -_- came out i was like lmfao? Couldnt u just come earlier -_- so that u can see everything LOL..
Well.. actually i dont rly have to refer to the formula XD cz most of the things i learn from my friends sia 0.o but theres this part which i rly need formula 0.o too hard ahh that part.. comfusing 0.o but then after playing for a few mins i felt that i dont need formula anymore -_- formula was just nothing lOL.. soo i continued to solve by my on.. and GOSH MAN.. i managed to solve 0.o YAY haha~~ without referring to the formula 0.o must try more harder to solve everything haha XD wanna try to solve within 3 mins 0.o * sigh * recalling of that noon.. not many ppl saw that -_- cz just a few ppl was staying back sia.. and the rest dont know where did they go.. soo yea only a few ppl saw how i solved it T.T soo bu suang LOL..
Just now last period.. got my malay paper back already man.. thought i could atleast get a credit for my malay but then when i got my papers back -_- evrything wasnt just as i expected 0.o overall freakin 2 more marks to get credit man T.T then started to look around 0.o OMG.. kah boon got credit -_- siao man~~ he could even get a credit man 0.o rly cant believe -_- and just now something random rly happened 0.o i always like to advertise about Jotun de in class right 0.o i was just doing that for fun but i didnt know that .. it actually worked lmfao!!!!! My friends did rly help me to intro Jotun to other of my friends man 0.o when i came back from POA just now 0.o terus got ppl ask me about paint le haha~~ XD ( thanks for * cough * * cough * ppl that advertise for me ah haha~~ ) but no comission -_- LMFAO..
Oh yea just now POA period right in 5s2 0.o my friends told me that.. out phy teacher is going to marry next month 0.o and all the form 5 are invited to her wedding 0.o wow XD thats sooo cool man XD attending a teacher's wedding haha~~ soo many ppl want to go man f3 as well as me XDD actually i think my other friends got mentioned to me about that before but i didnt really bother about that cz i thought they were like bluffing -_- who knows it was true man LOL.. ( haiz~~ this is what u soo called satellite small man -_- ) but who cares XD atleast we know now 0.o and they even said that after o level 0.o all the form 5 levels ahh.. got a trip to Bali lol 0.o wonder its true or not 0.o but hipefully its true la XDD can go with friends and enjoy over there 0.o OMG.. thinking way too far haha~~
Just now noon was my english oral 0.o the oral started at 1am 0.o but i think i m the 14th perosn or further more XD gosh.. the atmosphere was sooo scary lol.. when we were waiting for our turns outside the conference hall... everyone was like sooo nervous 0.o except for some comfident ppl haha XD OMG.. know what 0.o this oral is way scarier than what i thought man -_- i thought this oral was only 5 mins.. but it wasnt.. this oral was about 10-15mins long per person -_- ( i know soo long man ) 2 angmo again >.> making ppl feel more nervous 0.o ok.. first it was my friend's turn 0.o she went in.. walau eh.. 30mins later baru she cames out from the hall 0.o wasnt that long?LOL.. but they said the examiners were very kind la~~ and friednly soo dont have to worry that muhc 0.o
But then o.. ppl that came out didnt seem good 0.o they said this time the oral is harder than the june one 0.o the topics were harder than june man >.> everyone that came out was like OMG OMG OMG i m gonna die >.> for sure fail and those things 0.o walau eh... better dont say la.. making me felt more nervous man -_- TICK TOCK TICK TOCK -_- time is ticking.. 3:15pm.. my tirn to went in.. * take a deep breathe * and went in.. omg soo nervous.. stomach ached suddenly.. omg too nervous.. inside, the atmosphere was sooo quiet... too quiet.. i only could hear the examiners' voices... and they were laughing 0.o and laghing >.>
When i was sitting inside.. i looked at my friend's oral 0.o omg.. they speaked kinda a lot man 0.o then i didnt have watch 0.o but i think it was about 12mins for my friend 0.o and after that my turn 0.o * Take a deep breathe * and started to talk... first they asked me to sit down.. and asked me about.. hows my mood.. and 0.o they asked me a topic which i never thought that it will come out -_- soo random man..
"how do u prepare for ur oral?and do u prepare for ur oral" i was like stucked ... errr hmmm ahhh -_- what kind of question is this mna.. then yea i did answer them about that but not much 0.o then the next question.. do u enjoy english.. in what way.. how do u enjoy english and do u love english.. i was like WTH?wjhat sort of question is this?0.o how am i supposed to answer 0.o dont know la.. just hantam sia -_- and talked talked talked talked.. quite a lot and next topic 0.o do u speak other language than english.. duh sure i do - mandarin..
" soo what do u think about these two languages?do u think english and chinese are imporant?or which one is more important.. "
........ dont know how to answer anymore... i just said.. chinese isnt that imporant and rnglish is more important cz nowadays around the world majority of the people using english LOL.. and more.. then they said no ur wrong 0.o LOL..chinese also imporant -_- and bla bla bla.. gosh i think i got deducted marks by saying my own language like that -_- then they asked me how often i going back to Malaysia and so on..
After that they asked me to read my passage.. and actually i thought they would ask the questions which were below the passage and they didnt mna 0.o LOL.. they kept chinging the topics and it seemed that they enjoy alot haha~~ then good lah XD they asked me questions related to the topic.. which was about party.. actually the starting was quite good and until the ending slowly becoming worst -_- didnt know how to answer the questions le.. " what kind of situation do u dislike a party?"..... dont know how to say anymore LMFAO.. i think that was the only question which i didnt answer 0.o fail sia..
Oh yea and i remember taht they asked me about something which was pretty funny LOL.. they asked me whats my ambition.. and slowly they moved to err 0.o whats my hobby so i just told them.. play ball and online games and chit chatting with friends sia.. then o they asked me what kind of online game do i play 0.o then i said maple and they were like laughing 0.o was that good or bad LOL.. and they even asked me what lvl i m 0.o HAHA XD and they seemed interested on it.. i bet they play maple too f3 f3 ROFL.. they even asked me is there any ways that they could do to limit the time of their children playing games LOL.. pretty ok..
Phew.. i think that was like 10mins of conversation?walau eh.. so long 0.o compared to june.. june was about 3-5mins only man >.> but then its kinda fun and i enjoyed talking to them too XDD they were rly good haha ~~ they were different then the previous examiners that i have seen.. cant say how different just different.. the way that talked made me felt comfortable haha~~ and it rly felt likt u were just talking with ur friends XD cz they also shared their expericences with u too man xDD
Well 0.o prom night de tickets are out already 0.o walau eh.. $40.. <.< i m wonder whether i should go or not.. soo expensive again 0.o but then this is the last year staying in SAS man.. dont know la.. see 1st.. cz it seems like many ppl are going 0.o but the price are rly expensive compared with last year which was only $25.. cz no one sponser us mah this year~~ soo we sponser ourselves lo -_- OH DANG.. nearly 12:30am le.. time to go to sleep le.. if not kena bomb again -_-
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
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